Workday interface voor AFAS HRM Payroll

WDconnect (English)

WDconnect – a standard interface for Workday and AFAS Payroll

For organisations working globally with Workday and locally with AFAS software for Payrolling, a standard but configurable interface is now available: WDconnect.

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WDconnect integration is useful for:

Workday for HRM

Is Workday your global HRM management system and AFAS Software your local Payroll software? Then you have to enter double HR and contract data in two systems. Besides that, a typing error is easily made.

Integrate Your HR system Workday with WDconnect. Workday is your central source for HR data. WDconnect automatically processes HR data and changes to AFAS Payroll.

So all HR data necessary for payrolling is always up to date. For increasing your payroll accuracy and efficiency!

AFAS Payroll in sync with Workday

Are you sure you have received and processed all data for your Payroll process? With an integrated Workday and Payroll system, all HR data for Payroll processing will be automatically complete and in sync.

For specific or deviant changes on contract or employee data,a notification will be send in advance in case of an exception. All well controlled and supported by AFAS workflows!

Workday for Employee Self Service

Workday is the central portal for Employee Self Service (ESS) for your employees.

The WDconnect integration ensures that pay slips and annual salary statements from AFAS Payroll are uploaded to your global Workday system. Employees have all their HR and salary information centrally available within one employee portal.


Workday interface AFAS Payroll

WDconnect at a glance

  • Workday and AFAS Payroll always in sync
    Because the interface automatically transfers all HR data and changes to AFAS Payroll. All changes are always up to date and complete for salary processing.
  • Automated processing HR data
    Such as NewHire, ReHire, Termination of employment, changes and extensions off contracts, salary increases and job changes, possibly supplemented with declarations, bonuses and one-off emoluments.
  • Interfacing Workday and AFAS payroll
    AFAS Payslips and annual statements are returned to your HR system. So employees have all their HR and payroll details available within their Workday employee portal.
  • Checking for special changes in advance
    For example a notification in advance if there is a difference between employee data in your HR system and payroll system. Or signals for last-minute onboarding processes.
  • Integration with AFAS Workflows is available
    For setting up and automating your daily working processes.
  • All basic HR and Payroll components are available within the standard WDconnect interface
    Short lead times for implementation time of standard WDconnect.

Well organized employee and contract data from Workday within your AFAS Payroll system

WDconnect processes all HR data and changes from your Workday system to AFAS Software. At the same time, the interface ensures that the payslips are returned to your HR system. This will reduce time spent on manually entering employee changes for payrolling. And your Payroll accuracy will increase significantly.

WDconnect – Process overview

WDconnect and your benefits

  • Reduce time spent by manually entering employee data for Payrolling
  • Increase Payroll Accuracy
  • Increase Payroll Efficiency
  • Focus on exceptional and deviating changes that really needs your attention instead of data entry
  • Guarantee on stability and uninterrupted processes, also with new versions of AFAS software or AFAS connectors

Check out the video WDconnect

Experience stable, safe and controlled payroll processes with WDconnect

Workday for your global HR processes and AFAS Payroll for reliable salary payments that fits seamlessly with local laws and regulations for remuneration. Automatically in sync by using WDconnect. View your benefits in our brochure.

AFAS Payroll integrated with Workday

WDconnect is built on our XCESS ConneXtor platform, with which we realize reliable, future-proof and configurable connections between AFAS Software and other applications. The ConneXtor automates and simplifies data exchange with AFAS Software: fully validated, checked, safe and reliable.

Check out WDconnect for helping you and your organization moving forward?

Start working with the WDconnect interface now. The interface automates the entire HR data tracking process. There is no need for retyping data anymore. Your data is always accurate and up to date in both systems. A safe and efficient process. Read more in our brochure.

Joris, Rob, Jeroen van XCESS

More information?

See how we get your Workday HCM system an AFAS Payroll in Sync?

Download brochure

Increase Payroll Accuracy

Reduce time spending on manually entering

AFAS Payroll integration with Workday

Klantcase van koppeling Workday met AFAS bij Saxobank

Customer story Saxobank

Best practices with the interface WDconnect – AFAS Payroll with Workday HRM Software by our customer Saxo Bank. WDconnect ensures peace of mind and less data entry.

Read more in our Customer Story Saxo Bank.

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